

(en anglais) Operation Legacy:  The Fight for Kenya’s Independence and History.

Une bande dessinée sur l'histoire de « Operation Legacy » et la lutte pour l'indépendance au Kenya.

Elle était accepté par le Départément d'Education à Ville de New York pour être utilisé dans les lycées.

Operation Legacy:  How Britain covered up its colonial crimes.

A BBC podcast.

The secret history of Jamaica’s Independence, The Jamaica Gleaner.

History Watch:  The Podcast Series (en anglais)



Black and Indigenous protesters are treated differently than the ‘convoy’ because of Canada’s ongoing racism.

Usable History is about the future

not the past.

Breaking from the chains of the past

Recounting Caribbean history accurately is hard when many of the documents have been destroyed.

Les ouvrages

From Africa to Jamaica

The Making of an Atlantic Slave Society, 1775-1807.




Letters from the Voyages of the

Slave Ship Pearl.


Remembering Africa & Its Diasporas

Memory, Public History & Representations of the Past.





Beyond Fragmention

Perspectives on Caribbean History.




Les articles

A Return to the Anticolonial: History as Weapon on the Caribbean Battlefield.

Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism

The problem of modern-day slavery: is critical applied history the answer?

Slavery & Abolition: A Journal of Slave and Post-Slave Studies

Notions of African Childhood in Abolitionist Discourses 


Colonial and Postcolonial Humanitarianism in the Fight Against Slavery

L’avenir de l’esclavage : l’histoire sociale comme histoire radicale.

Histoire Sociale / Social History

“A Great Many Boys and Girls”

Igbo Youth in the British Slave Trade, 1700-1808

Atlantic Childhood and Youth in Global Context:  Reflections on the Global South.

Atlantic Studies: Global Currents

Imperial Ideas, Colonial Realities

Enslaved Children in Jamaica, 1775-1834.

African Children in the British Slave Trade during the Late Eighteenth Century

Slavery & Abolition

Indian Men, Afro-Creole women: ‘Casting’ Doubt on Interracial Sexual Relationships in the Late Nineteenth-Century Caribbean.

Immigrants and Minorities: Historical Studies in Ethnicity, Migration and Diaspora
